19 March 2015

Lush Shampoo Bars // Jason + The Argan Oil + Honey I Washed My Hair


When I first heard about Shampoo in a solid bar I though hell no! But upon being sucked into the Lush store (the smell can do this to you you know…), taking a look at them on their pretty dishes, and being swayed by the ever so helpful staff, I came away with not one, but two of these beauties. To be fair to myself one was a present for my sister, which she kindly allowed me to photograph and test (secretly hoping she leaves it in the bathroom so I can continue to use it…).

11 March 2015

Wonder Serum // Indeed Labs Hydraluron


So… as you may be able to tell from the image accompanying this review, I'm a teensy bit of a fan of this stuff! It has a bit of a blogger hype surrounding it, but upon trying I immediately realised why. Hydraluron is a moisture boosting serum created by Indeed Labs. It comes in slightly clinical looking packaging with a pink top. It's a light gel texture and believe me, a little goes a long way! I have quite dry skin and since using this serum I've found my skin to be smoother and much less dry. I use this without fail both morning and night underneath a moisturiser, and I have to say it really works!

7 March 2015

A Little Treat // Lush Butterball Bath Bomb


This little ball of wonder isn't anything that exciting and fancy to look at, but don't be fooled - it's pretty good! A small white bath bomb with little pieces of moisturising butter encased within, Lush's Butterball is really moisturising and skin softening.

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