16 July 2015

Summer In A Bottle // Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi Purpose Dry Oil


Every summer I reach for these two products without fail! The Nuxe Multi-Purpose Dry Oil and it's shimmery sibling are perfect for helping your limbs achieve a gorgeous glow without feeling at all greasy. This is because they are 'dry' oils meaning they absorb really quickly into the skin, leaving you with hydrated smooth skin, without any hint of grease. The smell of these is incredible too - there really is no other way to describe it other than saying 'summer in a bottle'. It's sweet but not too strong, just lingering on the skin nicely.

13 July 2015

A Pink Lip For Every Occasion // Chanel, Tom Ford, YSL + Revlon


I never quite realised how much of a fan I am of pink lipsticks until I went to do a round up for this blog post! Theres quite a mixture of shades, textures, finishes and pigmentation from this bunch of beauties - definitely one to suit every mood and make-up look...

8 July 2015

Summer Citrus // Lush Brightside Bubble Bar


I don't know quite how I've never tried this before. I'm a real Lush addict (as you probably know if you've ever read my blog before!) but somehow this little beauty has passed me by before now. I sort've picked it up on a whim whilst wondering aimlessly round my local Lush (an all too regular occurrence) and once I'd smelt it I couldn't put it back down.

6 July 2015

A Cooling Mist // Avene Eau Thermale Spring Water


This little can of goodness has literally been my saviour over the past few days - I know lots of people are laughing at us English freaking out over the 'heatwave' but it has been really freakin hot this week!

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