It's literally always been on my wish list to visit a Lush Spa and get a treatment and my boyfriend, being as lovely as he is, got us some vouchers (he chose The Good Hour and I chose The Comforter). We booked in to at the one in Bath so that we could visit a new place at the same time and do a little bit of shopping to boot!
The weather was really beautiful on the day and we decided to have a little mooch around the shops before grabbing some lunch. I went a little bit mad in Anthropologie as we don't have one anywhere near us and they have sooo many amazing things, but I'm gonna do a separate blog post on what I got so look out for that in the near future!
We went to Gourmet Burger Kitchen for lunch as neither of us had been before and the one in Bath is super nice as it's set underneath a railway arch - how cool!? The skinny fries are amazing and they do a refillable elderflower fizz - my all time favourite drink. The burgers were yummmm and the service was really quick - win, win really.
After lunch it was time to head on over for our treatments - excittiinnggg! We had time for a little wander round the shop first and of course I came away with a few new bits and bobs (again I'll do a separate blog post on these!). The bath store is lovely and big Lush always have really amazing customer service but I felt like they really went out of their way to give us the most amazing treatment experience. We were offered a hand massage whilst we were waiting in the shop before being greeted by our therapists and ushered down to the spa itself (it's below the shop). It felt really calm and cosy with candles burning and the room was set out like a country kitchen - such a cute idea!
My therapist was really sweet and offered me a glass of fruit infused water before asking me to fill out the medical form all the while chatting away to help make me feel at ease. She then explained what my treatment involved - I had The Comforter which is all about relaxation and not taking life too seriously. It involves a chocolate body scrub which is melted down from a bar (into a tea cup may I add!) and a rose serum massage - I was shown the products (which are exclusive to the Spa) before we went into the treatment room so that I could smell them and learn what ingredients were used and what the benefits were for my skin. I love that she was so passionate and knowledgable about everything.
Upon entering the treatment room my therapist explained that I should strip off to my knickers and pop all my clothes onto the chair, that there was a towel to put around my chest and that I could ring a bell so that she'd know when to come back in the room - there was even a little plate to put your jewellery on so it didn't run the risk of getting lost! This explanation really made me feel at ease and stopped me feeling awkward and not knowing how to call her back in.
The treatment room itself was beautiful - it was bathed in a pink light with stars sparkling on the ceiling and the chocolatey scent from the scrub wafting around the room. Candles were dotted around and the music was absolutely perfect for the treatment - think Charlie & The Chocolate Factory meets old hollywood movies. For this particular treatment you're cocooned in the softest warm duvet and only one of your limbs is exposed at a time to keep the rest of you warm and cozy. The scrub was lovely and soft on my skin, not like some harsh scrubs, and I really liked that a hot mitt was used to get it off so you don't have to get up half way and shower it off which sort've ruins the relaxing mood. The rose serum was then used to massage my skin making it smell heavenly and feel super smooth and soft. I was then given time to gather my thoughts and get dressed before meeting my therapist back out in the kitchen for a drink.
I love how we weren't made to feel rushed at the end of the treatment and had time to sit and reflect. I was seriously relaxed by this time and felt sort've like I was sitting on a cloud. I was given the cutest candy floss drink (it was sooo sweet tasting) and Dan got a cup of tea complete with ships rum and sea biscuit's (I may have snaffled a few of these) - marking the perfect end to a perfect treatment!
When we left we just had time for a little evening walk around bath and decided to go down to the river for a wander over Pulteney Bridge - it has little shops and cafe's within the bridge itself! We shared a slice of the nicest rhubarb cake and then ambled back to the car to enjoy the journey home in the sunshine.

I'm so glad we chose to go to Bath for our Lush Spa day as it's such a beautiful city. I'm definitely going to have to come back for a longer holiday as there's so much we didn't get time to do - mainly visiting the Roman Baths and the gorgeous looking riverside gardens. Have you ever been to Bath?