28 November 2016

Kitchen Bits & Bobs //


I'm so excited that our kitchen is finally all coming together! It feels like a good few months since we went into the kitchen shop and decided on what we wanted but I'm pleased to report that it's all coming together (although I'm still waiting on a SMEG fridge!). I've slowly been purchasing a few bits and bobs that I can dot round to finish things off. Here's what I got...

17 November 2016

Primark Purchases //


Primark just seems to be getting better and better - they have so many great things in store right now and for amazing value! As you may know I love anything copper and they have soo much to offer at the moment so I splashed out on a few bits!

10 November 2016

Garlic Chicken Sesame Stir Fry //


Now I know it's coming up to Christmas and I will most definitely be eating more than my fair share of mince pies, chocolate and all things unhealthy butttt as it's still November I feel like I should be a bit healthy whilst there's still time - ha! I made this super quick and easy garlic chicken stir fry the other day soo I thought I'd share how I made it as it feels like forever since I wrote a food related post.

4 November 2016

Easy To Wear Berry Lips //


Now I know I'm a few days late for Halloween but you can wear vampy lips all Autumn/ Winter long right? I used to be a bit of a wimp when it came to rocking darker lips but these five products are pretty foolproof and allow you to be as bold and daring as you like!

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