Can you believe it's less than a week to go until Christmas?! The time has literally flown by, so I though I'd better share this recipe with you pretty darn quick, otherwise before I know it Christmas will be over! I made a batch of these biscuits the other day and they went down a treat with the famo - I'm determined to make another batch on Christmas eve so I can proudly present them to everyone on Christmas day haha!
Get your mitts on //
100g cubed unsalted butter
150g plain flour
75g sugar
the rind of one orange
1/2 a tea spoon of orange extract
a pinch of salt
1 egg yolk
white icing and silver balls to decorate
You will also need a large mixing bowl, a rolling pin, weighing scales and star shaped cookie cutters.
You will need to pre-heat your oven to gas mark 4 (180°c or fan 160°c) before combining your flour and butter together in a mixing bowl until it looks a bit like breadcrumbs. You can use a food mixer for this but as I don't have one I just used my hands and it worked a treat (although it probably took a tad longer!).
Next whack the sugar, a pinch of salt and the orange zest in and give it a good stir! You'll then need to add 1 egg yolk and the orange extract - trust me it doesn't look as if this will bind the mixture, buttttt keep squishing it together until it forms a ball and everything is combined. This mixture then needs to be wrapped in cling film and popped into the freezer for ten minutes.
You can then roll out your dough on a floured surface to a thickness of 2.5mm and cut out your stars using a cutter. If you don't have a cutter you could go freehand and use a knife, although that's a bit too much like hard work in my opinion! Put the stars on a lined baking tray and pop them back in the freezer for another 10 minutes to chill. Then bake them for around 15 minutes before allowing them to cool on a wire rack before icing.
This is the fun bit! Pipe the white icing on in whatever shape/ design takes your fancy (some of mine came out better than others!) and sprinkle liberally with the silver balls. Hands up who used to eat these out the jar when their mom wasn't looking - I'm defo guilty of doing this!
Now for the best part - getting to eat and share your biscuits with friends and family - after all that's what Christmas is all about. What Christmas treats do you like to make? I'd love to know if you give these star biscuits a go!