25 April 2017

Denim Lovin //


I don't know why but I've never been attracted to denim jackets before, I just felt like they didn't suit me, buttt this all changed in one day when I found one that was sooo perfect! Now that the weather's getting a bit warmer I'm all about the lighter denim and I sort've fell in love.

22 April 2017

Series You Need To Watch //


I have to admit I'm definitely not one of life's thrill seekers and although I enjoy going out and having fun with friends there are some days when all I want to do is snuggle up on the sofa and get into a TV series. There are so many great things to watch, but it can be hard to know what to choose so I though I'd do a round up of some of my recent faves!

20 April 2017

Skincare Picks // Glossier


I'm soo happy that I finally managed to get my hands on some Glossier products! Living in the UK means it's a little harder to get your hands on their products, but thanks to my fellow blogger Jasmine over at 'Jasmine Talks Beauty' and My Mall Box I'm finally getting to try out some of their gorgeous skincare!

14 April 2017

Spring + Easter Home Touches //


I've always loved Easter time but this is the first year we've had our own house for me to decorate with cute spring decorations (Dan is thrilled about this obvss). I've hunted round quite a few shops as well as making a couple of things myself and I'm really pleased with the results!

11 April 2017

Easter Goodies // Lush Picks


I can't believe how quickly Easter has crept up on me - it's literally less than a week away! I love Easter time, it feels like spring has finally sprung and it's always a day of seeing family, eating good food and time to finally relaaaxxx. I'm definitely gonna be indulging in a lush bath on Easter morning - their themed collections are always so cute!

7 April 2017

New Homeware // Anthropologie + H&M Home


Even though I live pretty close to a big city, we still don't have an Anthropologie orrr H&M home store  - booo. Whilst we were in London I made the most of it and decided to splash out on a few things for our house - here's what I got!

4 April 2017

Exploring London //


For my birthday, Dan managed to get us tickets to see Ed Sheeran at The Royal Albert Hall (I know right!) so we decided to make the most of it and book an overnight stay to get in some all important shopping and eating time whilst we were there!

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