25 June 2017

Getting Back Into Art //


When I was at school and college art was always by far my favourite subject and was something that didn't really feel like "school work" it was more of a creative, fun way to wind down and relaxxx. Then life sort've got in the way...

I went down the more academic route at uni (I did Biology & Psychology) and art sort've took a backseat as I went on nights out, revised for exams, hung out with friends etc. One of my new years resolutions was to hang more pieces of art round our house, now that the majority of painting and decorating is done - and what better way is there than to create my own!

I started by buying a few watercolour paints and a couple of brushes and I thought I'd do a little cactus piece to go in our lounge. It actually turned out pretty well and was a really nice way to relaxx and have some time to switch off and have to myself, as I'm usually watching TV or scrolling through social media. My only regret is that I didn't have any watercolour paper so it sort've dried a bit strange and needed a good flatten! I'd definitely suggest using the right paper for your medium as you'll only regret it once you've started, although of course I was too impatient to follow my own advice... I'm excited to do more pieces though and I definitely want to paint some palm or banana leaf pieces to go in our bathroom once it's done!
Copyright © Rosie Luck 2014-2018