20 September 2017

Looking Forward To... // Autumn Edition


It's been ridiculously rainy these past few weeks in the UK and I've been feeling like all I want to do is hibernate and get cosy. Autumn is probably my favourite season and I'm excited to see the leaves change colour and to get all my warm jumpers out!

14 September 2017

Discovering Missguided //


Ok, so it's not like I'd never heard of the brand 'Missguided' before, it's just that I don't do too much online clothes shopping, and I'd never really even contemplated buying anything from them before now. I have to say I was so pleasantly surprised by their service and products (I don't know why I thought I wouldn't be ha!) that I thought I'd do a little blog post.

8 September 2017

Bathroom Bit's & Bobs //


I can't quite believe we've been putting off getting our bathroom done for over a year now! When we first moved in to our house we sort've prioritised all the other rooms with a hell of a lot of wallpaper stripping, painting and sanding going on, plus we pretty much spent the remainder of our money getting the kitchen done - ha! Fast forward a wee while and we've settled in and just lived with the bathroom, even if it has started to slowly break down on us (the toilet requires a fair bit of vigorous pumping in order to flush!). The end is finally in sight and we've started ordering everything ready for it to be fitted and of course I've been ordering all the accessories which I just had to show you!

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