11 March 2015

Wonder Serum // Indeed Labs Hydraluron


So… as you may be able to tell from the image accompanying this review, I'm a teensy bit of a fan of this stuff! It has a bit of a blogger hype surrounding it, but upon trying I immediately realised why. Hydraluron is a moisture boosting serum created by Indeed Labs. It comes in slightly clinical looking packaging with a pink top. It's a light gel texture and believe me, a little goes a long way! I have quite dry skin and since using this serum I've found my skin to be smoother and much less dry. I use this without fail both morning and night underneath a moisturiser, and I have to say it really works!

Hydraluron contains hyaluronic acid (I know, I know acid doesn't sound good for putting on your face, but believe me there is some science behind it), which helps absorb water into the skin, keeping it hydrated for longer. It also helps to aid healing and reduce bacteria levels on the skin - sounds pretty good now, doesn't it? I've found that using this over time gives quite noticeable results - this is one skincare product I'll never change now that I've found it. You can find hydraluron in Boots; it's quite often on 3 for 2 or 1/3 off, hence the three tubes in my photo! I'd love to know anyone else's opinion on this serum so please let me know if you've tried it!
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